Private Equity Guide

This guide provides an overview of private equity, different types of private equity, the increasing interest and why you should consider investing.

Important Information
An investment directly into an unquoted or private company carries a higher degree of risk than many other forms of investment and may be difficult to realise. The value of investments, including the level of income derived from them, may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the money originally invested. It may also be difficult to obtain reliable information about the value of securities or the risks to which the company is exposed. Co-investment is intended for Professional Clients only.


What is Private Equity?

Private equity is an alternative asset class in which capital is invested in private companies and the investor takes an equity interest. It is a form of financing used over the medium to long term with the goal of increasing the value of that company over time; typically between four to seven years, with the ultimate aim of selling for a profit.

The invested capital comes primarily from institutional and professional investors that either invest directly in the companies, or through a specialist investment manager via a dedicated private equity fund or investment syndicate. The manager diligences, transacts and manages the investments on behalf of their investors.

Private equity managers excel at acquiring and developing strong and sustainable businesses, even in challenging conditions. Their expertise lies in adding value, adapting strategies, and providing hands-on involvement that is crucial for achieving strong returns in an increasingly competitive market.

A key distinction between private equity and more traditional assets is that the investments are in company shares that aren’t traded on public stock exchanges, and so are illiquid, whereas publicly traded stocks can be more easily bought and sold on exchanges.

A key attraction of private equity investments is that they come with the potential for higher risk-adjusted returns than investments in quoted companies, as they offer the chance to invest earlier in a company’s development and participate in the period of potentially fastest growth. In addition, as the companies are unlisted, they are not under pressure to perform to market analysts’ expectations and can, therefore, focus on the execution of their plan for the business. Their valuation is not impacted by general market movements external to the underlying business, and managers are generally in a position to be patient and wait for the right conditions before exploring an exit opportunity.

Types of Private Equity

Private Equity is best known for targeting later stage private companies. These businesses are typically profitable with high recurring revenues. As these businesses are more established, they tend to have a lower risk profile compared to investing in start-ups or younger companies with little or no track record. That said, all investment in private companies should be considered high risk.

Buyouts are the most common corporate transactions favoured by private equity firms. This is where they enable experienced management teams to gain ownership in the businesses they run, acquiring a majority or controlling stake. The objective is to enhance value by supporting growth initiatives such as international expansion, buy and build strategies, operational improvements and professionalising the business, with the ultimate aim of becoming attractive to prospective trade or financial buyers. A leveraged buyout is the same financial transaction, but the buyout is primarily done using borrowed funds reducing the amount of upfront investor capital required to complete the investment.

Offices for a technology company
A rapidly emerging segment of the private equity industry is growth investing, in fact growth and venture assets under management have increased at twice the rate of traditional buyout structures in recent years. The development of this area has been primarily driven by the rapid pace of technological innovation which are disrupting traditional markets or creating new opportunities in high growth sectors such as AI, biotech, fintech, and software.

Growth Capital is typically used to acquire a minority share in a fast growing business that has moved beyond the start-up stage and is quickly scaling - winning new clients or increasing revenues for example. The capital is geared towards businesses that are either profitable, close to profitability, or have revenues which are growing quickly. Growth capital is typically used to fund a transformational event in the lifecycle of a business such as entering new markets, expanding their operations and infrastructure, developing new technologies or making a strategic acquisition.

Creatives working at a technology company

Venture Capital is a form of private equity financing aimed at start-ups and earlier stage businesses. These businesses are rarely profitable and often pre-revenue, but what these businesses do have is the potential for rapid growth. Backable businesses are often disruptors, innovators and developing novel technologies. Venture capital funding is predominately used to scale and commercialise a company’s product or service, and often when a business does receive VC backing this can enhance its credibility and market perception.

Characteristics of Private Equity

The modern private equity industry has developed and matured as an asset class since it began to take shape in the late 1970s, early 1980s. PE firms had historically been reliant on leverage in financing transactions, but the rising cost of debt has made this approach less viable. Private equity has since moved beyond financial engineering and creates value by employing a multifaceted approach aimed at generating sustained revenue growth. Methods include enhancing efficiencies, streamlining operations or strengthening management teams.

For business owners and entrepreneurs, engaging with private equity provides an alternative route to access capital to help facilitate expansion, invest in innovation, or pursue a strategic acquisition. Unlike traditional financing, PE investors often adopt a long term perspective, aligning with the company's growth trajectory and allowing management to focus on sustainable value creation without the pressure of short term market fluctuations. Additionally, PE firms bring industry expertise, operational improvements, and valuable networks, enhancing a company's competitive position and operational efficiency.

Investors considering the merits of private equity as an investment opportunity should note its unique risk/reward characteristics. Value creation is a management-intensive process that takes time, therefore it is not a suitable asset class for an investor with a short term investment horizon.

Another key difference between private and public markets is liquidity. Investors with no prior exposure to private markets will be accustomed to the ease at which they can trade stocks and bonds, giving them a sense of safety and control over their capital. The idea of committing capital over a longer period can be daunting and requires a fundamental shift in mindset. Given the longer-term, illiquid nature of private equity investments, investors must approach alternative asset investment with a different mindset and, most importantly, discipline in their cash management to ensure they have sufficient liquidity should they need to redeem assets to meet their cash flow requirements.

Illiquidity is not necessarily a problem, certainly for investors not overexposed to one particular asset class and who have a balanced, well diversified portfolio. It is also a feature that can drive higher returns – a phenomenon known as the illiquidity premium. The illiquidity premium is the higher return potential that investors could earn by committing their capital to less liquid assets. This premium compensates investors for the risk and inconvenience of not being able to readily access their funds.

For experienced investors with a higher capacity for risk, private equity can provide a hedge against poor performance as it is uncorrelated to traditional stocks and bonds. By adding a further layer of diversification beyond the traditional 60/40 portfolio structure investors limit their exposure to any single type of asset, thereby mitigating risk, lowering portfolio volatility, and increasing the potential for greater returns.

The Increasing Interest in Private Equity

Businesses are increasingly looking towards private equity as a solution to the challenges they face accessing traditional financing. Data from The British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA) reported that UK businesses received £20.1 billion of investment in 2023.

Beyond capital, private equity firms bring expertise, strategic insight and operational support, and the funding is becoming an increasingly attractive option for ambitious businesses looking to scale. In a report compiled by the Private Equity Reporting Group it found that private equity backed businesses continue to outperform public companies, highlighting a clear pathway to growth and enhanced competitiveness.

Companies are also staying private for longer, with research by Statista showing that the number of companies trading on the London Stock Exchange has fallen from nearly 2,500 in 2015 to under 1,800 in 2024. As more companies turn to the private markets for the capital and expertise they need to grow, private equity is not only playing an increasingly important role in driving economic growth but is also presenting new investment opportunities.

Maven graph, number of companies trading on LSESource: Statista, 2025

For the investor, the increased appeal of private equity is largely driven by its potential to enhance portfolio returns, with investors looking to the alternative asset classes as a means to reduce the impact of diminishing returns from the more traditional asset classes. According to the BVCA’s annual Performance Measurement Survey, which reports on the aggregated performance of all independent UK venture capital and private equity funds managed by BVCA members, private capital generated an average 10-year return of 17% vs the 6.5% achieved by the FTSE All Share Index.Maven graph, average fund return-PE & VS vs FTSESource: BVCA Performance Measurement Survey 2022.

Whilst the traditional asset classes should still form the cornerstone of a well-diversified and robust portfolio, investors are now more aware of the need to create an allocation to alternative assets to enhance risk adjusted returns, increase diversification and reduce risk. As such, private equity is becoming widely recognised as an established asset class.

As a result, many private investors and family offices are redesigning their asset allocations to add or increase exposure to alternatives such as private equity. This is evidenced by the 2023 UBS Global Family Office Report, highlighting that 41% of family offices are planning to increase their allocation to direct private equity investments over the next five years.

Why Invest in Private Equity?

The investment universe is more diverse than ever. Investors now have access to a broader range of asset classes, investment strategies, and structures. This expanded choice, combined with improved accessibility, provides greater opportunities to construct diversified portfolios with the potential for enhanced risk-adjusted returns.

According to Preqin, all alternative asset classes will see significant growth in global AUM in the coming years, with private equity forecast to double by the end of 2029, up from 2023, from $5.80 tn to $11.97 tn. Having been largely the preserve of institutional capital until recent years, private equity has become an increasingly popular investment option for more experienced investors, in part due to barriers to entry being eased, but also because more wealth managers and financial advisors are now more knowledgeable around the structures of alternative investments, particularly illiquidity, and how they can feature in their clients’ portfolios. Research conducted by CAIS and Mercer has found that nine in ten currently incorporate alternative investments in client portfolios and 91% plan to increase allocations further over the next two years.

The total Private Equity Market is forecast to double by 2029Source: Preqin, Future of Alternatives 2029 Report.

Investing in private equity is primarily done through two routes. The most common is through a private equity fund managed by a professional investment manager. The investors in the fund become Limited Partners (LP), whilst the responsibility for sourcing, managing and exiting the investments, as well as all administration is undertaken by the investment manager who serves as the General Partner (GP). Investors commit capital into a fund with a pre-defined strategy prior to any investments being made, and typically with fixed lifespan of between 10 to 12 years.

An alternative, and increasingly popular route, is through a deal-by-deal private equity structure, where investors construct their own bespoke portfolio on a self select basis rather than a pooled fund. This offers investors a more transparent and controlled way to align their investment choices with their risk tolerance and investment objectives. This approach enables investors to get direct exposure to highly curated private company investment opportunities alongside seasoned private equity firms.

Managing a multi-asset investment approach with exposure to private equity, means striking a balance between investing over the long term, where you are essentially locking in capital, while ensuring you have sufficient liquidity for any near term requirements. The prospect of higher potential returns and the strategic benefits of diversification beyond traditional investments are an attractive advantage, however, private equity is typically only suitable for experienced investors with an appetite and capacity for risk, and who have the resources to bear any loss that may result from such investments.

For more information you can check out our guide to investing in private equity.

Further Information

Maven Investor Partners provides a viable route into private equity, allowing Professional Clients the opportunity to gain exposure to the potential advantages of this exciting asset class. If you want to learn more about how to become an Investor Partner, click here. 

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