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BioAscent supporting COVID-19 response | Maven

Written by Maven | Apr 05, 2020

BioAscent, a leading provider of integrated drug discovery services, has partnered with the University of Glasgow, to significantly scale-up the testing of COVID-19. The new testing facility, which is located in the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus, Glasgow, will be opened in collaboration with the Scottish Government and the University of Dundee.

Highly-experienced molecular scientists, technicians and bioinformaticians will staff the new facility on a 24/7 basis, providing capacity for substantially more COVID-19 tests per day.

“The need to increase testing capabilities in response to the pandemic is key to helping save lives and easing the burden on the NHS. I am delighted that BioAscent is able to support the University of Glasgow’s testing facility and that we can share our expertise to support this vital project.”
Paul Smith, CEO at BioAscent

The Glasgow centre is one of several new hub laboratories, coordinated by the Medicines Discovery Catapult, to be opened to increase COVID-19 testing during the crisis and support NHS efforts against the coronavirus. All the scientists and technicians involved have volunteered their services and testing is due to begin in mid-April.

“I am very grateful to Glasgow University and experts from BioAscent and Dundee University, together with the many skilled volunteers who have come forward to work in the centre, for taking the lead in establishing this testing centre. This is clearly a major undertaking. When it becomes operational, the centre will make a significant difference in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Jeane Freeman, Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport 

Maven would like to pass on its gratitude to the specialists at BioAscent, as well as the other volunteers who are dedicating their time and offering their expertise for this initiative in order to push back the spread of the Coronavirus.