New edition of the Maven newsletter available to download now

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Download issue 17 of Maven's Creating Value newsletter. UK private equity news and updates on Maven's latest insights and investments.

Published: Jan 23, 2018
Focus: Growth Capital

Issue 17 of Creating Value is available now to download.

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Emerging and fast growing companies make a critical contribution to the UK economy and in this edition we feature three new VCT investments which are led by talented  entrepreneurs who have the ambition and ability to take these innovative businesses to the next level. 

We also highlight two profitable exits from the portfolio which have generated a 4.7x and 3x total return for investors. Maven supported both businesses through a period of sustained organic growth and the successful integration of synergistic bolt-on acquistions. 

This issue also includes an article by our Marketing Manager, Steven Ford, who discusses Maven’s new application portal which is enabling VCT investors to complete the full application process, including payment, online. The platform is a first in the VCT sector since it launched in September 2017.

VCTs continue to be an important source of long-term funding for UK growth companies, having injected around £1.4bn of investor capital into SMEs over the past three years. Page 8 sets out details Maven’s current VCT Offers which are seeking to raise £30 million to expand these VCTs and further develop their portfolios. 

We hope you enjoy this edition of the Maven newsletter.

Crawford v2

Posted in:
Growth Capital

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