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The Maven Three Peaks Challenge | Charity | Maven

Written by Maven | Jun 10, 2017

Steven Ford - Marketing Manager

So the day has nearly arrived. The harebrained idea which one of my colleagues had back in October 2016 is finally coming to fruition. This weekend will see 11 members of the Maven team attempt the national Three Peaks Challenge. It will involve climbing the highest mountains in each of Scotland (Ben Nevis – 4,416 ft), England (Scafell Pike – 3,209 ft) and Wales (Snowdon – 3,560 ft) back-to-back in 24 hours. 

It’s an arduous challenge but one which is looking like it will help raise a significant amount of money for charity. At the time of writing our fundraising page has hit £6,000, and coupled with the proceeds which were amassed at a recent small fundraising night we held, the total in now exceeding £10,000. [STOP PRESS: As at 30/6/17 our fundraising page is now over £11,500, taking our total to well over £15,000]. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us thus far. The money which you have pledged is being gratefully received by of our chosen charities, each of which have been in touch separately to express their gratitude for the donations. 

Our first nominated charity is Blood Wise, which funds world-class research into blood cancers and provides support to those affected by leukaemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. Our second chosen charity is the National Deaf Children’s Society which is dedicated to creating a world without barriers for deaf children and young people. Finally we are setting out to support Maggie’s Centres. Maggie’s provides free practical, emotional and social support to people with cancer and their family and friends across 19 centres.

The planning and preparation is now complete and the team will set off for North Wales on Friday afternoon. On Saturday morning (17 June) the challenge will begin at the foot of Snowdon. By the early evening we hope to be ascending Scafell Pike, and come the early hours of Sunday morning the UK’s largest peak, Ben Nevis, should be looming in front of us ready for our final climb. Well that is the plan anyway! 

Donations can still be made up to, during, and for a short while after the challenge via our fundraising page. All donations, no matter how small, will be welcomed and go direct to Bloodwise, Maggie’s Centre, and The National Deaf Children’s Society.