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ebb3 | private equity investment | Maven Capital Partners

Written by Maven | May 27, 2017

Maven has invested in ebb3, an innovative technology business operating in the niche supercomputing market which has developed a high performance 3D virtualisation software solution for graphics-intensive applications. 

ebb3’s technology is able to drive heavyweight applications for the likes of computer assisted design (CAD) or computer generated imagery (CGI), delivering 3D graphics to 4K displays without compromising on performance, and negating the need for powerful workstations. Its cloud-based platform allows engineers or designers working on graphically intensive workloads to collaborate remotely across any device.

Traditionally heavy graphics applications have required expensive inflexible fixed location single-user workstations. Typically clients have not been able to successfully run their 3D applications through traditional cloud hosted providers with acceptable levels of performance.  ebb3’s solution eliminates bottlenecks, improves efficiency and collaboration, reduces the need for travel, improves security and can be accessed from any device. For many customers it can also deliver cost benefits when compared to the purchase and maintenance of traditional workstation computers.

The demand for real-time virtualised software, which avoids significant expenditure on hardware, is forecast to grow by 25% per annum. Exponential data growth, and an increase in remote working will continue to drive strong demand for 3D graphical applications to be delivered virtually. The technology is being increasingly adopted across a range of industries including energy services, Formula 1, and the construction sector. 

The funding from the Maven VCTs will enable ebb3 to significantly scale its skilled workforce of solutions architects and implementation technicians, as well as converting the current pipeline of opportunities.  

Andrew Ferguson, Partner at Maven, said: “We are very excited to be supporting the team at ebb3 in the roll-out of this disruptive technology. ebb3 has a highly scalable business model with the potential for significant expansion and has already been embraced by key integrators. Given the growth we have seen in the wider market, we are confident that the demand for ebb3’s niche solutions will remain strong in the coming years.

The highly capable management team at ebb3 have over a century of combined experience, a number of whom are market leaders in their respective fields. We have confidence in their ability to drive the business forward and deliver shareholder value and we look forward to work together over the coming months and years.”

Chris Brassington, CEO at ebb3
, added: “We are proud to have secured Maven’s confidence and investment in ebb3. We were able to demonstrate the benefits of our solutions, which can now be used to help more customers make their business mobile, flexible and streamlined. Over the coming months, we look forward to recruiting more talented people to the team and increasing our ability to grow the business rapidly.”