Issue 15 of the Maven newsletter available to download now

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Download the latest issue of Maven's Creating Value newsletter. UK private equity news and updates on Maven's latest insights and investments.

Published: Jan 16, 2017
Focus: Growth Capital

Issue 15 of Creating Value.

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This edition features three new Maven VCT investments completed over the past six months, in fast growing businesses which are challenging conventional markets, with a differentiated business model or proposition.

Also profiled are two later stage investments funded by our co-investment network Investor Partners, where we have helped management to acquire the business, with further expansion planned through organic growth or acquisition.

This issue of the Maven newsletter also includes details of the £6 million Top-up Offer for Maven Income and Growth VCT 6 PLC, which launched in December.

Portfolio Company: RockarPortfolio Company: Rockar

Posted in:
Growth Capital

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