Jeremy Thompson


Buyout Fund

Maven Office

Office Tel No.
0161 233 3500

Primary Geographical Focus
North West and Yorkshire

Recent Investments

55 Group, MirrorWeb, ProofID, AccessPay, Ideiio

Key Sector Experience

Technology, Financial Services, Software

Jeremy joined Maven in April 2017 and is based in our Manchester office. His responsibilities include deal origination and execution of private equity investments in the North West and Yorkshire.

Prior to joining Maven, Jeremy was a Senior Associate in the corporate team at law firm Squire Patton Boggs. In this role, Jeremy specialised in mergers & acquisitions and private equity, advising clients on a wide range of transactions.

Outside of work Jeremy enjoys football, golf and spending time with his three young children.

Developing relationships with talented management teams and supporting them on their journey is absolutely critical to what we do, and, something I find very rewarding

Meet our other team members

With a network of 10 offices and a national investment team, including professionals from a variety of commercial, financial and industry backgrounds, we have an enhanced regional presence giving us a different perspective to many other funders. 


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